小学英语高效备考系列继续更新,系列一已经给小伙伴们讲解了知识型课程如何展开教学,一如既往地发挥乐于助人精神的我,今天给大家讲的是技巧型课程(阅读课、听力课与口语课)的试讲技巧,这两个模块整体的试讲思路是一样的—四大环节:Warming-up / Lead-in—Presentation—Production—Summary and Homework,最大区别在于Presentation部分,因此,Presentation是今天重点分析部分,继续往下看:
Step 1 Warming-up / Lead-in
1. Warming-up 将学生的注意力集中到课堂上来。时间:30秒左右。
(1)唱歌、听歌(song):如Bingo Head / Shoulders Knees and Toes/ One Little Finger等。
(2)游戏(play games):如pass the balloons:传气球,也可替换成其他的道具。
(3)猜谜语( guessing game ):提前准备好谜语,可以说“It's a very sweet fruit, and it's orange, it’s very tasty. I like it very much, so can you guess what's this?”。
2. Lead-in 导入新课。时间:1分钟左右。
(1)图片/视频导入:最万能的导入,如:I will show my students some pictures/vedio of animals in this part, my students should read this pictures/watch the video first, and then...
(2)情景导入:很好用的一种方法,如:Ok, guys, listen carefully, I will set a situation for you. Imagine that...You can imagine this: ...
Step 2 Presentation
1. Pre-Learning
a.阅读课/听力课:第一步 泛读/泛听,从整体上感知所学内容;第二步 出几道简单的题检测效果。
2. While-Learning
Ok, guys, this time, we are going to listen to a tape, this listening material is from your book. But, before listening, I'd like to show you some pictures. Here on the blackboard. Do you know what's this, yes! It's a TV. What can you find in the TV? Linda, you please. Wow, you can see a reporter! Great! Any different ideas? Ok, I heard some of you said you can find the logo of weather. Exactly! You are very careful. So, guys, after discussing the pictures, can you guess what's the topic of this listening material? Ok, I heard Lily said, it may talks about weather. So, this time, let’s listen to it carefully.
For the first time, you should listen to the tape extensively, then, tell me whether your prediction is right or not. For the second time, you should listen to it carefully, and answer my two questions. The first one is“What's Jack's favorite weather?" and the second one is“Why does John like sunny day?" Are you ready? Let's start!
Step 3 Production
1.小组竞赛(group competition):比比谁厉害。
2.角色扮演(role play):创设情景,让学生进行扮演角色,在扮演的过程中会涉及到对话,让学生“说话”。
3.对话练习(make conversation):比较简单,比如“OK, you should make conversation"。
Step 4 Summary and Homework
1.题目: Can you be a friend with me?
A, E,I, O, U, Can you be a friend with me?
U,A,I,O, E, Can I be a friend with you?
A,E,I, O, U, You can be a friend with me.
U,A, I, O, E, I can be a friend with you.
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Warming up and lead-in
Greeting with the students. The teacher will sing a song for the students: You've Got A Friend In Me. Warm up the atmosphere and lead in the class.
Step 2 Pre-listening
The teacher will ask students two questions: Do you have friends? Please talk about your friends. And invite two students to share with us. Then let them guess what we will listen in this class .
Step 3 While-listening
Extensive listening: Listen to the dialogue and tell what the dialogue is about.
Intensive listening: Listen carefully and answer questions: If you want to be a friend with someone, how can you ask him or her? If someone ask you whether he or she can be a friend with you, how can you answer him or her? Then invite two students answer these questions. At last, teacher shall tell the students that the word order can influence the meaning of sentences and can express different feelings. These two questions is used to ask for permission and these two statements express the acceptance.
Step 4 Production
Game time: Divide the students into 4 groups and give them 5 minutes to make friends with their classmates. Then ask 2 students to share with us.
Step 5 Summary and Homework
Ask students to work in pairs and discuss what we have 1learned today. Choose the representatives to share.
Make friends with their parents and use the news sentence structures.