《英语四级考试》每日一练(第2015-6-9 期)
2015年6月9日 / 来源:233网校评论导读:
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A.The majority of them find it interestin9.
B.The majority of them think it less important than computers.‘
C.Many of them consider it boring and old-fashioned.
D.Few of them read more than ten books a year.
A.To give customers a wider range of choices.
B.To make shoppers see as many items as possible.
C.To supply as many varieties of goods as it can.
D.To save space for more profitable products.
A. She is thirsty for promotion.
B. She wants a much higher salary.
C. She is tired of her present work.
D. She wants to save travel expenses.
A. The root of Tom's health problems.
B. The woman's problems with her workaholic professor.
C. Tom's relationship with his professor.
D. Problems that Tom and the woman have with their workloads.
B.What I discovered was both eye.opening and disturbing.The AHA not only ignored all the other risk factors for heart disease,but it appointed someone with ties to Big Food and bizarrescientific beliefs to lead the guideline-writing panel—just the type of thing that undermines the public’s confidence in the medical community.The AHA guidelines warrant that saturated fat make up no more than 5 to 6 percent of daily calories for adults because this will lower “bad” cholesterol(胆固醇).And,for those people who need blood pressure control,the guidelines A.so suggest lowering sodium(salt)intake to no more than a teaspoon(2,300 mg)daily.Despite many other known risk factors for heart disease,salt and fat were,astonishingly,the only two considered by the AHA panel writing the guidelines.There are many other recognized risk factors the AHA ignored,including blood sugar level,low “good” cholesterol,insulin(胰岛素)levels,and body weight—an of these are influenced by diet.
C.In fact,mostpeople who have heart attacks don’t have elevations in bad cholesterol.They are much more likely tohave metabolic syndrome(新陈代谢综合征)—a condition that putsyou at high risk for diabetes and heart disease.Interestinglyenough,blood triglycerides(甘油三脂)do not go up with eating fat—they go up if you eat a diet high inprocessed grains,starches,andsugar.Unfortunately for the proponents ofhigh-carbohydrate(糖类)diets,highblood triglycerides are a major risk factor for heart disease.In addition.low fat/highcarb diets lower protective “good”cholesterol and raiseinsulin.
These diets are involved in the development of diabetes.which is a powerful risk factor for developing heart disease.
Heart Cheek Program’s contribution
D.The writers of the 2013 statinguidelines based their recommendations on studies that looked at the reductionin the risk of events like heart attacks in people treated with statins.compared to people on a placebo(安慰剂).The AHAdietary guidelines do not cite any diet studies that looked at whether followinga specific diet lowered the risk of developing heart events—yet they are givingdietary advice.Why?There mightbe two plausible reasons.One is the AHA's moneymaking “HeartCheck Program.”The second is the conflict of interestof Robert Eckel—the co-chair of the panel that wrote the guidelines.
A.The majority of them find it interestin9.
B.The majority of them think it less important than computers.‘
C.Many of them consider it boring and old-fashioned.
D.Few of them read more than ten books a year.
A.To give customers a wider range of choices.
B.To make shoppers see as many items as possible.
C.To supply as many varieties of goods as it can.
D.To save space for more profitable products.
A. She is thirsty for promotion.
B. She wants a much higher salary.
C. She is tired of her present work.
D. She wants to save travel expenses.
A. The root of Tom's health problems.
B. The woman's problems with her workaholic professor.
C. Tom's relationship with his professor.
D. Problems that Tom and the woman have with their workloads.
The Heart Assoeiation’s Junk Science Diet
A.A recent Cambridge University analysisof 76 studies involving more than 650,000 peopleconcluded,“The current evidence does not clearlysupport guidelines that low consumption of total Saturated fats.“Yet the American Heart Association(Arial,in its most recent dietary guidelines,heldfast to the idea that we must A.l eat low.fat diets for optimal hearthealth.It’s a stance that—at the very best—is controversial,and at worst is dead wrong.As a practicing cardiologist(心脏病学家)for more than three decades,I agree with the latte—it’s dead wrong.Whydoes the AHA cling to recommendations that fly in the face of scientificevidence?B.What I discovered was both eye.opening and disturbing.The AHA not only ignored all the other risk factors for heart disease,but it appointed someone with ties to Big Food and bizarrescientific beliefs to lead the guideline-writing panel—just the type of thing that undermines the public’s confidence in the medical community.The AHA guidelines warrant that saturated fat make up no more than 5 to 6 percent of daily calories for adults because this will lower “bad” cholesterol(胆固醇).And,for those people who need blood pressure control,the guidelines A.so suggest lowering sodium(salt)intake to no more than a teaspoon(2,300 mg)daily.Despite many other known risk factors for heart disease,salt and fat were,astonishingly,the only two considered by the AHA panel writing the guidelines.There are many other recognized risk factors the AHA ignored,including blood sugar level,low “good” cholesterol,insulin(胰岛素)levels,and body weight—an of these are influenced by diet.
C.In fact,mostpeople who have heart attacks don’t have elevations in bad cholesterol.They are much more likely tohave metabolic syndrome(新陈代谢综合征)—a condition that putsyou at high risk for diabetes and heart disease.Interestinglyenough,blood triglycerides(甘油三脂)do not go up with eating fat—they go up if you eat a diet high inprocessed grains,starches,andsugar.Unfortunately for the proponents ofhigh-carbohydrate(糖类)diets,highblood triglycerides are a major risk factor for heart disease.In addition.low fat/highcarb diets lower protective “good”cholesterol and raiseinsulin.
These diets are involved in the development of diabetes.which is a powerful risk factor for developing heart disease.
Heart Cheek Program’s contribution
D.The writers of the 2013 statinguidelines based their recommendations on studies that looked at the reductionin the risk of events like heart attacks in people treated with statins.compared to people on a placebo(安慰剂).The AHAdietary guidelines do not cite any diet studies that looked at whether followinga specific diet lowered the risk of developing heart events—yet they are givingdietary advice.Why?There mightbe two plausible reasons.One is the AHA's moneymaking “HeartCheck Program.”The second is the conflict of interestof Robert Eckel—the co-chair of the panel that wrote the guidelines.