growout of产生自…停止
hang back犹豫,踌躇,畏缩不前
gang together 结合在一起;符合
be hard up for money 缺钱,手头紧
hardly ever 很少,几乎从不
have done with做完;和己…无关
have only to 只要…就能
have out将…除去
welcome to到…
while away消磨(时间)
be worthdoing值得(做)
have up把某人请来作客
head first 头向前地;冒冒失失地
head off绕到前面去;拦住
be off one‘s head 神经错乱,神志不清
hear sb. out听某人把话讲完
take heart of grace 鼓起勇气,打起精神
help forward促进,鼓励
hold forth给予,提供
hold off不接近;拖延;迟疑
hold over 将…延迟;期满后继任
hold with同意,赞成;原谅
hunt for搜寻;寻找;追猎
onone‘s honour 以名誉担保
pay honour to向…致敬
impact on 对…冲击,碰撞;影响
at the instance of 应…之请,经…的提议
interfere with 妨碍;打扰
issue from由…引起;产生于
in the issue结果,结局
takeissue with 与…争论
be jealous of嫉妒…
jump sb. out 叱责某人
just yet恰好现在
not just……but不仅…而且…
on an evenkeel 平稳的(地),稳定的
be keen on喜爱,爱好;渴望
keep an eye on 注意,监视
keep at坚持(做);使不停地做
keep in touch with 和…保持联系
keep pace with与…齐步前进
keep to坚持;固守(习惯等)
knockup against 碰撞;同…冲突
know sb. by name 只知道某人的名字
lay in 贮存,贮藏
lay over使延期
lay to 把(功、过)归于
lead off 开始,开头,率先
lead up to逐渐导致
in the least一点,丝毫
let sb.into让…知道
let loose放松,放开;放出
let oneself go 尽情;忘乎所以
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