《英语四级考试》每日一练(第2015-8-11 期)
2015年8月11日 / 来源:233网校评论导读:
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1、Questions are based on the following passage.
Eating a Mediterranean-style diet--packed with fruits,vegetables,legumes(豆类.,nuts,olive oil and丘sh—is good for your heart.many studies have found.Now scientists are suggesting the diet may be goodfor your mental health,to0.
A study of over l0,000 Spaniards followed for almost four and half years on average found that thosewho reported eating a healthy Mediterranean diet at the beginning of the study were about half as likelyto develop depression than those who said they did not stick to the diet.
All of the participants were free of depression when they were recruited to the study,and each filledout a l36-item food frequency questionnaire when they joined.Based on their serf-reported dietary habits,they were assigned a score between o and 9,with the highest score reflecting the closest sticking to aMediterranean diet.
Over time,those who had scored between 5 and 9on the Mediterranean diet were 42 percent to51
percent less likely to develop depression,the study found,than those who scored between o and 2.
ne study does not prove a cause—and-effect relationship between the Mediterranean diet and a lowerrisk for depression,only an association between the tw0.Still,many scientists are convinced that somedamaging processes involved in cardiovascular(心脏血管的.disease may also play a role in mental health.“Both cardiovascular disease and depression share conunon mechanisms,”said Dr.Miguel AngelMartinez.Gonzalez,professor of preventive medicine at University of Navarra in Pamplona,Spam,and seniorauthor of the paper,published in the October issue of Archives of General Psychiatry.
“ne m醐曲帆L懈(细胞膜.of our nerve cell are composed of fat,so the quality of fat that you areeating definitely has all influence on the quality of the neuron membranes,and the body’s combination ofneurotrausmitters is dependent on the vitamins you’re eatin9.”Dr.Martinez.Gonzalez added. “We thinkthose least sticking to the Mediterranean dietary plan have a deficiency of essential nutrients.’’
The elements of the diet most closely linked to a lower risk of depression were fruits.nuts and
legumes,the study found.
Scientists have proved that a Mediterranean-style diet.
A.helps develop a healthy heart
B.results in a healthy mind
C.is popular among Spaniards
D.contains little fat
A.Teaching mathematics at a school.
B.Doing research in an institute.
C.Studying for a college degree.
D.Working in a hi-tech company.
3、Questions are based on the following passage.
I have closely watched my generation, known as The Millennials, for 29 years now. Joel Stein wrote an extensive piece on Millennials and he remains rather optimistic about our potential.
I hesitate to share his optimism because of a paradox (矛盾的现象) we seem to exhibit, namely, that there are more avenues for us to entertain ourselves than ever before, yet we are more bored than ever before.
Entertainment has never been more varied. We have more cable channels, television shows, and movies than ever before. Intemet providers allow instant viewing of almost any movie or television program ever created. Social drinking and partying are also widely available for Millennials. Every generation develops these habits at a certain age, but Millennials seem to be extending this phase of life as they postpone marriage.
1、Questions are based on the following passage.
Eating a Mediterranean-style diet--packed with fruits,vegetables,legumes(豆类.,nuts,olive oil and丘sh—is good for your heart.many studies have found.Now scientists are suggesting the diet may be goodfor your mental health,to0.
A study of over l0,000 Spaniards followed for almost four and half years on average found that thosewho reported eating a healthy Mediterranean diet at the beginning of the study were about half as likelyto develop depression than those who said they did not stick to the diet.
All of the participants were free of depression when they were recruited to the study,and each filledout a l36-item food frequency questionnaire when they joined.Based on their serf-reported dietary habits,they were assigned a score between o and 9,with the highest score reflecting the closest sticking to aMediterranean diet.
Over time,those who had scored between 5 and 9on the Mediterranean diet were 42 percent to51
percent less likely to develop depression,the study found,than those who scored between o and 2.
ne study does not prove a cause—and-effect relationship between the Mediterranean diet and a lowerrisk for depression,only an association between the tw0.Still,many scientists are convinced that somedamaging processes involved in cardiovascular(心脏血管的.disease may also play a role in mental health.“Both cardiovascular disease and depression share conunon mechanisms,”said Dr.Miguel AngelMartinez.Gonzalez,professor of preventive medicine at University of Navarra in Pamplona,Spam,and seniorauthor of the paper,published in the October issue of Archives of General Psychiatry.
“ne m醐曲帆L懈(细胞膜.of our nerve cell are composed of fat,so the quality of fat that you areeating definitely has all influence on the quality of the neuron membranes,and the body’s combination ofneurotrausmitters is dependent on the vitamins you’re eatin9.”Dr.Martinez.Gonzalez added. “We thinkthose least sticking to the Mediterranean dietary plan have a deficiency of essential nutrients.’’
The elements of the diet most closely linked to a lower risk of depression were fruits.nuts and
legumes,the study found.
Scientists have proved that a Mediterranean-style diet.
A.helps develop a healthy heart
B.results in a healthy mind
C.is popular among Spaniards
D.contains little fat
A.Teaching mathematics at a school.
B.Doing research in an institute.
C.Studying for a college degree.
D.Working in a hi-tech company.
3、Questions are based on the following passage.
I have closely watched my generation, known as The Millennials, for 29 years now. Joel Stein wrote an extensive piece on Millennials and he remains rather optimistic about our potential.
I hesitate to share his optimism because of a paradox (矛盾的现象) we seem to exhibit, namely, that there are more avenues for us to entertain ourselves than ever before, yet we are more bored than ever before.
Entertainment has never been more varied. We have more cable channels, television shows, and movies than ever before. Intemet providers allow instant viewing of almost any movie or television program ever created. Social drinking and partying are also widely available for Millennials. Every generation develops these habits at a certain age, but Millennials seem to be extending this phase of life as they postpone marriage.