《英语四级考试》每日一练(第2015-6-1 期)
2015年6月1日 / 来源:233网校评论导读:
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1、 What is UK vice-chancellors' biggest concern?
A. How to obtain financial support from the government.
B. How to keep the academic reputation of their institutions.
C. How to prevent bogus applicants entering their universities.
D. How to stimulate the creativity of their research teams.
A. They are overweight for their age.
B. They are respectful to their parents.
C. They are still in their early twenties.
D. They dislike doing physical exercise..
3、 第(40)题应填__________
A.Gift-giving plays an important role in human relationships.
B.We must be aware of cultural differences in giving gifts.
C.We must learn how to give gifts before going abroad.
D.Reading extensively makes one a better gift-giver.
5、 第(44)题应填__________
A.Demand compensation from the hotel.
B.Find a cheaper room in another hotel.
C.Ask for an additional discount
C.Complain to the hotel manager.
A. To select the right model.
B. To get a good import agent.
C. To convince the board members.
D. To cut down production costs.
8、 第(34)题__________
9、 第(29)题__________
10、每年农历七月初七这一天是我国汉族的传统节日七夕节(Doub|e Seventh Festiva|)。此日活动的主要参与者是少女,而节日活动的内容又是以乞巧(cuIti vati ng femi ni ne wi sdom)为主,故而人们称这天为“乞巧节”或“少女节”。七夕节是我国传统节日中最具浪漫色彩的一个节日,也是过去姑娘们最为重视的日子。2006年5月20日,七夕节被国务院列入第一批国家非物质文化遗产名录。现又被认为是“中国情人节”。
1、 What is UK vice-chancellors' biggest concern?
A. How to obtain financial support from the government.
B. How to keep the academic reputation of their institutions.
C. How to prevent bogus applicants entering their universities.
D. How to stimulate the creativity of their research teams.
A. They are overweight for their age.
B. They are respectful to their parents.
C. They are still in their early twenties.
D. They dislike doing physical exercise..
3、 第(40)题应填__________
A.Gift-giving plays an important role in human relationships.
B.We must be aware of cultural differences in giving gifts.
C.We must learn how to give gifts before going abroad.
D.Reading extensively makes one a better gift-giver.
5、 第(44)题应填__________
A.Demand compensation from the hotel.
B.Find a cheaper room in another hotel.
C.Ask for an additional discount
C.Complain to the hotel manager.
A. To select the right model.
B. To get a good import agent.
C. To convince the board members.
D. To cut down production costs.
8、 第(34)题__________
9、 第(29)题__________
10、每年农历七月初七这一天是我国汉族的传统节日七夕节(Doub|e Seventh Festiva|)。此日活动的主要参与者是少女,而节日活动的内容又是以乞巧(cuIti vati ng femi ni ne wi sdom)为主,故而人们称这天为“乞巧节”或“少女节”。七夕节是我国传统节日中最具浪漫色彩的一个节日,也是过去姑娘们最为重视的日子。2006年5月20日,七夕节被国务院列入第一批国家非物质文化遗产名录。现又被认为是“中国情人节”。